Wednesday 18 September 2013

Flash Signal HQ Hippo to HQ Blogosphere

Hippo HQ successfullly relocated Stop Troops had first hot shower in two years Stop Multi burner Bosch field kitchen worked a treat Stop All electrical and communications systems operational Stop  All personnel stood down and resting Stop All damaged mission critical kit ninety percent refurbished Stop Will send full Sitrep with RIC photos by Last Parade tomorrow Stop  Looking forward to first dump on flushing toilet in two years Stop The war continues but Victory is certain Stop God Save the King Stop
End of message Stop


  1. Conratulations Stop God Save the Queen Stop

    1. Oh! Is it a queen now? Forgive me, I have been away for so long. That must be one in the eye for Putin.

  2. Stop No Pictures of First Dump Stop Unless Vacuum Seal First Produce Stop Stop Stop
    Els Stop

    1. I am Not, repeat Not vacuum sealing a turd!

  3. No mention of bunting or brass band, but presume these were also in attendance for that first dump.

    1. As a kid when we moved, which we did frequently, it was always at midnight and Father always told us to keep very, very quiet as he pushed his car off the drive before starting it.

  4. Replies
    1. Your enthusiasm cheers me up! I am KNACKERED!

  5. You'd have done it a lot quicker if you hadn't kept stopping......oh

    1. A cup of tea in the morning, breakfast, Elevenses, lunch, tea at three, high tea, supper and then dinner. What kind of mill owning slave driver are you?

  6. Cause for celebration. Ah, you have already. Can't wait to see the piccies of new home but not of anything "personally passed". Congrats. Now put your feet up for a fag, stiff drink and relax.

    1. I actually allowed a damn near full glass of scotch to slip from nerveless fingers as I fell asleep on the sofá.

  7. Ker-rikey .... no wonder you have a stiff drink of an have had things and situations to cope with that would make a girl like me throw a bit of a hot shower for 2 years?? and no flushing toilet??? you and the family are obviously made of stern stuff....enjoy your new living arrangements! cheers.

  8. Wooohoooo, nothing like to sound of a working, flushing toilet. On a very different scale - I remember as a kid when we migrated from Rhodesia (showing my age) to NZ. One day my father snapped all the plastic knives and forks we were using. I was horrified - what will we eat with...

    The container of our "junk" arrived after what seemed like an eternity. I think the general condition of that stuff was similar to yours.

  9. Stop working Stop. We need another post.

  10. I think Tom is still in the shower....

  11. Message from Blogger Hygiene Control Unit.... When dumping STOP Remember to use bog brush afterwards STOP Also spray floral air freshener STOP And wash hands before domestic re-entry STOP

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


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