Monday, 5 October 2020

Never too old to set a goal...



Some old bloke and Her Britannic Majesty’s representative in Angola, Her Excellency, Jessica Hand, British Ambassador.

Angola, landmine free by 2025.  Now that is something worth working hard for before senescence leads me to the scrap heap.

Need to see my tailor regarding the length of my trousers...




  1. 2025? That'll give you plenty of time and scope to orphan your children.

    Never mind length of your trousers, Hippo. If in doubt tuck them into your boots. Am I to understand that you are still (actively) defusing? Can't remember now whether your mother is still alive. If so, I feel for her. Interim commiserations to Marcia. And remember Scarlett O'Hara's closing words: Tomorrow is another day. Even if you don't live to see it.


  2. What an amazing thing to be involved in. I went to a talk by one of the people who works for them. The HQ is not far from my house here in Scotland. She showed us films and details of the people who clear the mines. Previously I thought it was the military who performed the tasks. Not so it would seem. They teach the locals to clear them and they get a wage to support their families. The Halo Trust does amazing work and was championed by Princess Diana and now Prince Harry. Good for you, I am pleased that even in Covid times, they are still moving forward.

  3. Certainly a wonderful goal to achieve. Hope it happens, they are dreadful things. Clearing the fields of them is dreadful, dangerous work that I am glad to say has never involved any one I know.

  4. It's good to know Some Old Bloke is actively involved in land mine eradication. Thank you.

  5. Stay safe, while making the world a safer place.

  6. Fantastic goal. Does anyone know approximately how many and where these land mines are located? Keep safe. I can only hope you are provided with all the tools and equipment to carry out this goal safely. Your precious children and wife need you.

  7. Very dapper (ignoring the trouser length).....and a worthy intention. You look so very different 'out of uniform'.


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