Saturday 31 August 2013

Accents by Trevor Noah

I had never heard of this guy Trevor Noah before.  This extract from his hour long show is probably the closest he got to political correctness.  Dominic is spending a few days with me and brought the DVD along to show me.  Like him, I thought it was hilarious.  'Why don't you put it on your blog?' he suggested.  'Because, Son, it is many megabytes and would take three years to upload.' 

'Just put a clip on' he said.  He could tell by my expression that I hadn't a clue how to do that.

He pushed me out of my chair, opened programs on my computer I never knew I had and within fifteen minutes had cut a clip out and recorded it in a format that vastly reduced the file size.

This clip is not only amusing, it is testament to my fourteen year old son's vastly superior computer literacy.  I guess it won't be long before he is hacking into my bank account.  What really pleases me though is that although he had just demonstrated all the symptoms exhibited by geeky computer nerds, he isn't.  He chases girls, rides a motorcycle, can do doughnuts with my Jeep AND is brilliant with computers.

Dominic, bon vivant, virgin converter, discoverer of one of the rarest phasmids in the world, rally champion on two wheels and four, crocodile castrator, apprentice Bambi Basher, computer expert and hacker yet still stupid enough to photograph himself on the beach with my car after I expressly forbade him to take take it onto the beach.
L-R: Dominic (14), little Marta (6), Cristina (16) and Ritinha (17)
Lanky sod, isn't he?


  1. He certainly looks like you. As to disobeying...well the apple, the tree, falling far from etc.

    1. Ye-es. Let's hope he enjoys a quieter, more normal life...

  2. Like you, I had never heard of Trevor Noah. Funny bloke so I will look up more of his work.
    My 10 year old is now showing me things on my I-phone I didn't know existed. We just have to accept our age related technology restrictions. How is Dominic doing at his new school?

    1. His entry has been deferred a year because he faild the maths part of the entrance examinations. Fortunately the maximum entry age is fifteen years and eight months so we have time yet.

  3. Quite the Renaissance man he is!

    1. Renaissance Man? Dominic is a damn sight taller and skinnier than Danny de Vito!

      (I know what you mean, I am just teasing, again!)

  4. Yep, that's the way it goes.
    Did you ever tell us the result of the big entrance exam he did for the boarding school he wanted to go to? I must have missed the follow up post?

    1. Deferred entry, he failed the maths bit, he'll have to retake.

    2. Hope he is not discouraged about that and is working at it. It sounded like a great opportunity for him though probably aa costly one for you. Educating kids can be an expensive business. I know it has cost us heaps but has been well worth the money.

  5. Computers eh? I thought of adopting one once but I failed the parity check so I'll stick with my electric abacus.

    1. Very wise. I use one too but have never managed to get the spell check to work...

  6. Dominic looks a lot like you. Virgin converter, eh? I didn't see a blog post about that ;-)

    Has Marta given you a haircut recently? I hope all's well with her.

    Your nieces are simply stunning.

    1. Marta is a little minx and bosses Alex around.

      Dominic hasn't coughed to any extra curricular activity to me but I can see he is pretty bloody confident around women so let's just imagine the best, eh?


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