Thursday 25 September 2008

To Tommy Atkins

I stumbled across this recently. I recited it at my father's funeral. He was called Thomas as well.

To T. A.
I have made for you a song,
And it may be right or wrong,
But only you can tell me if it's true;
I have tried for to explain
Both your pleasure and your pain,
And, Thomas, here's my best respects to you!

O there'll surely come a day
When they'll give you all your pay,
And treat you as a Christian ought to do;
So, until that day comes round,
Heaven keep you safe and sound,
And, Thomas, here's my best respects to you!
R. K.

This was written so long ago by the Soldier's Poet and it still holds true today for the shabby way servicemen and women are treated all over the world.


  1. me gusta mucho tu blog lo visito a diario visita tu e mio y si t gusta deja un comentario y nos linkeamos los blogs

  2. Hi Tom

    Was as bored as hell, surfing the Security Coordinator's best friend - Google - when stumbled upon your blogs.

    Hugely entertaining!

    Have similar background: ex-SA military, now security, married to Angolan with 3 kids, worked mostly in North (Soyo and Cabinda), lately in Iraq and now Qatar.

    Planning to move back to southern Angola (Benguela/Lubango or thereabouts) soon and enjoy my dotage.

    Hope to bump into you sometime.


  3. Rod

    please feel free to email me on

  4. Great Blog. Keep up the good work.
    Ben Payne
    Mobile, Alabama


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