After yesterday’s excitement and too large a scotch late at night I am feeling a little fragile this morning. Still, it’s nothing several cups of tea can’t cure.
So I decided there would be no heavy lifting today, for me that is, but with all this wood lying around salvaged from the old huts, I had to do something.
The Jango is, as I think I have already mentioned, the perfect place for air curing hams. The thick thatch keeps it surprisingly cool inside and the sea breeze is fairly constant. The sight of all those hams hanging in the rafters would also look quite nice, lending a rustic air to the place and then there would be the anticipation. It takes months to cure so it will be a lesson in patience for me.
Stage one, then, was to make my salt boxes. Wine cases would be ideal but I can’t get them here but I have plenty of African teak. Now I don’t know whether any of you have tried sawing through a plank of African Teak but I can tell you that it isn’t easy. A cross cut saw seems to glide over the wood hardly making an impression. The wood heats up the blade and seems to pinch it. Even a hefty circular saw makes heavy weather of it, the blade red hot in seconds and great clouds of smoke issuing from the cut. What was supposed to be a bit of gentle and therapeutic relaxation was turning into a real labour of love. So I called the boys over and told them to get on with it. I love work, I can watch it all day. There was only one bit of confusion. The lads just could not understand why the lid had to be fractionally smaller than the inside of the box. The lid will just fall inside the box, they pointed out. Exactly, I said. I then went on to explain in detail the uncomplicated process of curing a ham, the meat surrounded by salt in the box and the lid, with a weight on it, applying pressure. They were astonished that Presunto, as it is called here, was so easy to make yet so expensive. Well that’s because it takes such a long time, months before you can get your money back with the finished product I continued. They seemed so genuinely interested that as soon as I find a source of muslin, I am going to show them how to do it.

I am also going to try making Bresaola. That cures in a marinade before air drying rather than salt and is ready after only a couple of weeks. I must have eaten it sometime during my life but I honestly cannot recall when, but it certainly looks appetizing in Hugh Fearnley-Wittingstall’s The River Cottage Meat Book. In the same book, HFW also states that the very best air dried ham is called Pata Negra, is fiendishly expensive and is made from small semi wild Iberian pigs. Well those are exactly the sort of pigs I have running around the forest here. Originally, the pigs here will have been introduced by the Portuguese and these must be their descendants. They look exactly like Cerdos Ibericus and, since they live wild, I am hoping the flavour of the cured ham will be exceptional. Since I am not allowed to hunt them, catching them will be a bit of a bugger but I’ll think of something. With the three dogs I have finding them will be easy. These dogs have hunting in their genes and when we go for walks you can see them working together as a team and they always manage to flush something out of the undergrowth. Still, they are not as good as the dog Julian told me about which is on a farm near to his timber concession. There you can buy chickens. Usually, catching a chicken involves a lot of swift legwork as they are very free range. On this farm however, you point out the chicken you want and then the farmer shouts, ‘Dog! That chicken!’ and his dog hurtles after the chicken and pins it to the ground in seconds. That must be pretty cool to see.
With everything on the cards suggesting I could have a world class product within my grasp I suppose I had best think of a name. I can’t call it any of the established names, nor would I want to. If this stuff turns out to be really good then it will stand with its own identity.

So, I have my heavy teak boxes, salt, spices and herbs and the main ingredient is only an illegal shot away. All I need is the muslin and then in about eight or ten months, I will have Presunto Flordita. Made from the wild descendants (and probably purer line) of Iberian pigs, cured in natural sea salt and locally grown herbs in African Teak boxes and air dried in a cool Atlantic breeze. It’d be a no brainer for the marketing department. With all that going for the product, only I could fuck it up so I would have no one else to blame. Still, I am really looking forward to giving it a go. I might send one to HFW packed in straw in a beautifully hand crafted teak box. After all, his excellent River Cottage series played no small part in my decision to drop out of the mainstream and go and live on a beach next to a river.
Nice! Who can hunt in Angola? And what about archery?
ReplyDeleteI've been so into your blog and so over it within one week.
ReplyDeleteMust be a record.
I could explain my reasoning but I reckon you wouldn't get it anyway.
Josh, there are places you can hunt and they do recognise the right of traditional hunting but right now it seems very difficult to get a firearms certificate and a hunting licence. I am going to try and get a bow here.
ReplyDeleteSarah, don't worry, you're not the first. I am not everyone's cup of tea. Thanks for stopping by, though.
Sarah Toa, know what you mean. Hippo aka Tom is inventive and an excellent story teller, if lousy at logistics (ask Marcia - or me). However, he does like a challenge: His solution to keeping "his" women quiet surprisingly simple - a piece of driftwood between my teeth will do it for me though he's already got ear plugs in place - and I have barely said anything. Stand by to be charmed - on a boat near you.
fascinating tom, I am resolved to cure my own ham when the next pigs are culled.... I was a little over awed with the whole process this time and need to be more systematic next time
ReplyDeleteHugh Fenwittshaw, I believe, if my old mate Cholmodleigh Featherstone-Shaw was a "Chum" Fenshaw! LOL!
ReplyDeleteDoing things like 'curing hams' from the rough is all part of the fun, isn't it. We used to have fish the size of a man's arm strung from tree branches in garlands and smoking under mangrove fires!
Johnny Gray, listen to Johnny D.
ReplyDeleteI have learnt to stop thinking about things too much. If you think about it, there will always be reasons why you shouldn't do it.
So bugger 'systematic' and just go for it.
I mean, it is hardly rocket science.
1. Shoot pig between the eyes.
2. Cut its hind legs off.
3. Bury them in salt for three weeks.
4. Wash and wrap in muslin and hang for eight months.
5. Open cold bottle of Chablis, slice honey melon and throw bunch of cherry tomatoes on table, carve ham and eat.
Carpe Diem mate. Or something like that.
ReplyDeleteTOO ANAL!
i am welsh remember!
Unlike Sarah, I've fell into your blog from the get go and don't miss a post (though I seldom comment - sorry). From the 'safe' life of an American home, reading your adventures is like stepping into a Joseph Conrad novel. You remind us that there's more going on in the world than watching TV and shopping. *snort* It's 'real' life over there and am rooting for your many endeavors. Best luck with the hams. :-D
ReplyDeleteOK John G, You reckon that was anal, how about this:
ReplyDeleteSeek not tranquility in certainty, rather in permanently suspended judgement
And now, having woken up and remembered giving someone a blast, I must unreservably apologise. Damn, I hate that. But sorry for being rude and brusque.
ReplyDeleteJoseph Conrad? If only...
With such honest sentiment in my favour, I had better not screw it up, eh?
I don't mind if you don't comment too often, I am just pleased you are enjoying what really is for me only a pastime but feel free to do so, especially if, like Sarah, you have a criticism.
If these hams don't work, I will be eating a lot of humble pie and the dogs a lot of rotten pork!
You may be surprised to learn that occasionally I am jealous of people like you who, blessed with a common sense that eluded me all my life, have settled down and provided a stable family environment.
ReplyDeletePlease do not apologise, there is absolutely no need whatsoever. And besides, the comment, expressing as it did your disquiet about something I had obviously recently written was bloody witty. Naturally I was concerned that I had annoyed a reader but could see the humourous side of your remark.
You could try me with the reason I upset you a bit although given my shallow nature, in that I tend to act instinctively rather than cognitively, you may be correct in assuming that I may not understand.
Give it a go though, just for a laugh, you can always use my private email address tomgowans(at)flordita(dot)com
ReplyDeletePS: After all, it may be me that owes you an apoloogy.
Me? Stable? Surely you jest... ;-D But a question does burn - whatever happened in the end with the battered wife incident? Was she vindicated?
ReplyDeleteOh yes, she got off. She is back in the community.
ReplyDeleteFreakin' Brits. Take an apology without an apology, dang it!
ReplyDeleteJosh, I too am astonished.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the first time since I have "known" Tom to apologize for something that has little to do with his conduct, wasn't his 'fault'. Interesting ...