Friday, 20 December 2024

FFS. An acronym allowing for the polite expression of intense frustration in mixed company.

All he wants to do is to join the British Army.  FFS. I served. My Father served and his father before him in the Welsh Borderers of Rourke's Drift fame.  Doesn't this lad have the right to serve his country? I can't even get him a British passport.  I applied but was informed that British Consulate issued birth certificates are no longer valid in support of claims to UK citizenship. What? Why did consulates issue them in the first place, a worthless document I had to pay 70 quid for at the time? Where do I go from here?  I am a qualified ocean master so a short sail across La Manche would be a breeze but is this really the manner with which the offspring of British nationals, those who have dedicated their lives to service in far flung fields, enhancing the reputation of Britannia, should return to country of their familial origin?

Alex is frustrated.  I am his father and last time he checked I was very English.  I was granted the Queens' Commission in 1994, and he sprang from my loins in 2008. 

It all started with Alex applying to the Army Foundation College Harrogate, the first step towards a noble career.  Now I am fighting for his right to call himself British.


  1. The wrong sort of people run everything in the 21st century...

  2. Good to see that you are still with us. That boy has grown!.....hope that he can get his wish to serve in the army.

  3. I remember learning to defend and attack with one's fists from my dad, much to my mother's dismay. But I'd gotten an entirely unprovoked black eye from a neighbor boy, and dad said I needed to learn. Not my favorite technique, I prefer less civilized methods. But I like your coaching audio. Keep working on the passport, you've got a fine boy! - Norman

  4. NIce to hear a voice, Fine large Son.. Boxing a noble sport something that was compulsary at the boarding school I went to my kids asked me what boarding school was like in the 60s I encouraged them to watch Tompkinsons schooldays


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